Ilya Os,
Full name: Ilija Osipov
I am a inventor, mechanical engineer, computer scientist, and entrepreneur

Now I live with my wife and two kids in in Sarasota, FL, USA.

My background includes 31 patents, 20 scientific publications, participation in 15 startups (with 3 three exits).
Ilya Os,
Full name: Ilija Osipov
I am a inventor, mechanical engineer, computer scientist, and entrepreneur

Now I live with my wife and two kids in in Sarasota, FL, USA.

My background includes 31 patents, 20 scientific publications, participation in 15 startups (with 3 three exits).
The start of my business experience dates back to 1996, when I founded my first startup. Since then, I have worked in IT business for more than twenty years.

My Profiles


Awards and achievements
First Prize, Unversity Programming Contest, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
First Prize (jointly with Ilya Semenov), 1996 All-Russia Students' Contest in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science organized by the RF State Higher Education Committee
1999 - 2012
NNRU, an Internet company, which has become the largest Internet company in Nizhny Novgorod and the generally recognized leader in the field of WWW-based solutions and Internet media. I was the founder of and a partner in NNRU. Its main line of business is now a major Web site that reflects all aspects of the life of the city and three affiliate Internet companies. Currently, more than forty employees work in three offices of the group in Nizhny Novgorod, and the annual turnover of the group exceeds US$1.5 mln.
2006 - 2007, an Internet company based in Moscow. I was a founder and the Director of the company. At the end of 2006, the monthly site traffic of reached almost 2 mln visitors.
2009 - 2011
Birzha Plus Publishing House, the oldest publishing house in Nizhny Novgorod (one Web site, one magazine, four weekly papers). I purchased this business, reorganized it, and managed it for three years.
Series of events Mobile Developer Day. Founder and mentor.
Educational project i2i study operating as a time bank for those willing to learn languages. Cofounder. Basing on the results of the performed research, my colleagues and me published several scientific papers.
Jointly with Savva Os, we thought through and designed a prototype of a unique device, WowCube. Two patent applications were filed, one for unisex magnetic connectors and the other, for the device itself. The patents were awarded in 2018.
Diploma for winner in regional stage of national Russian contest "People in business". Nomination "Young business, for the best start-up". "For Osipov Ilya Viktorovich, computer scientist, enterpreneur, inventor of the WOWCube".
The Edison Awards announced WOWCube as winner of the silver award in the learning technologies category alongside finalists Celestron, Piper Learning and Time Timer.
My diplomas
SWOD 2018
First-ever rotating gaming console: invented
to spur on the human evolution
Other projects